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intrusive thoughts

I gave up and let the intrusive thoughts win. I’m not proud of myself, but I finally did one of those things I always thought about doing but refrained from because it’s a bit rude… I blame the heat. The heat, the lack of a/c in the luxury 2006 Taurus that I drive with custom […]


May 18, 2024

“The required health examinations have been completed and submitted by the panel clinic to the department. This person’s case will be processed or referred to the department’s migration medical services provider for further assessment.” The preceding message is brought to you by the Australian government in regards to the “Wichita is Finally Getting Rid of […]

So Now What?

So Now What?

I quit my job of eight years, eight months, and eight days (I did HR, I could see that nitpicky information) right before Thanksgiving so I could run off to Australia and marry the man I’ve been pretty much obsessed with since 2014 (no, it wasn’t a Hemsworth. If that were the case, I would […]


Current FAQ

Q: OMG! You and Michael finally got married?!? Is he moving back to the United States?A: Not unless he suddenly gets offered a test pilot position or NASA had a job opening for him. In other words, no. Q: So if he’s there, you’re just gonna be here married and alone?A: No. That would be […]

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